Friday, November 27, 2009

Kyphosis More Condition_symptoms

Initiation / François Cousineau 1970

Initiation is the first soundtrack Quebec erotic movie to be released on disc. The film "Valerie" is of course out before (1969) but unfortunately the soundtrack by Michel Paje & Joe Gracy was never made available by the studio Cinépix (except for a 45t).

In 1970, the shooting Cinépix corrected with the release of initiation. The studio even founded a record label bearing the name of the movie. This label is brief, to the contrary is proved, the ancestor of Gap Records. Why is this important? Cinépix was because the studio that produces virtually all the erotic films in Quebec and "Initiation Records" and "Gap Records" are the musical branches. The music of these films deserve to be finally recognized as innovative and important history in Quebec music.

In terms of quantity, there are even fewer records released under that label Initiation in Gap. To my knowledge there have been only LP (initiation) and four 45s (two from this film and two human Love).

My theory about the short life of Initiation Records is as am; Probably Cinépix (after the success of the film's introduction) have founded the label Introduction to Records as a test in the music industry. The case has been profitable for them and they have recurred with two pieces from their other film human Love (released some months later). Very quickly (the same year), they had to say that if they were to continue to edit their soundtracks, and it would make more sense to find a more neutral label name. Initiation would then become Gap Records. But this is only a theory.

Francois Cousineau composed many soundtracks in this period (including the NFB), but the initiative was only the second to be published. He began his recording career by working for "Jazz arrangements" of his brother John on the soundtrack of Cain (1965). Then went into jazz by composing the soundtrack of "The rope around his neck " (1965) for the same director (Pierre Patry). After a series of soundtracks for the NFB, initiation appeared on disc in 1970.

can hear Diane Dufresne for the first time on CD. She interprets the theme "One day he comes my love" and "Poor love." It was not the only interpreter cons. There are also two songs by Patsy Gallant (Psyquédélique Party, Mom did not tell me) and one of the obscure duo Nicole & Scott Bernard (A boat).

"A boat" & "Mamma did not tell me" were the subject of a 45t on the label initiation. Ditto for the theme of Diane Dufresne.

"One day he comes my love" may seem in 4 different versions. The best being the shortest and more rhythmic (at the very end of the album). There are also three other versions of the song Diane Dufresne "Poor love."

"No, do not say no" and the instrumental version No.1 "Poor Love" are not composed orchestral reminiscent Ennio Morricone. The use of glockenspiel, harpsichord, brass and string sounds give the rooms as statutory and mysterious. If we had to section arrangements, they are the works of Leon Bernier (arranger for Ginette Reno) and Roger Gravel .

For cons, the name is most striking in this section is that of training "Francois Cousineau & Quasars. I've never seen that name anywhere else. They are responsible (among others) the two most rhythmic instumental parts of the album: "The theme of Gilles" and "Poor Love" instrumental version 2. "The theme of Gilles" is a play Pop typical of his era. Electric guitars and dry, keyboard, drums. Jazz version of "Poor Love" is not bad either, though somewhat short and sounding a bit behind the times.

Exhibit "Psychedelic Party" is considered by many as the best of the album. She was also included on the compilation in 2002 on Canadian Racer Follow Me Records label. 45s version was also released last year.

Personally I find the reputation of "Psychedelic Party" overrated. It seems that the recording was done in one take, or that the wrong coil between the final release and repeat. One thing is sure, you can clearly hear Patsy Gallant answer is sound technician for more than one recovery (0:42, 00:50, 2:07). In addition you can feel a cut (1:01) in the master. Still emphasize the force of the drummer and keyboardist (both unidentified).

Another disappointment (if it became the title) is named the piece: The city "underground". Nothing particularly experimental. It's actually a ride with choir but no percussion. Enough sleep if you do not particularly like the chorus.

If we include "No, do not tell me no," "The City" Underground "," various versions of "One day ..." and "Poor Love" on behalf walks up to 8 out of 13. Even if well orchestrated, it makes a lot. Too well. Overall the soundtrack of Initiation is wise enough to film "daring". Even if it was not the soundtrack to the most avant-garde, initiation would still give legitimacy to a first sub-genre of erotic film music in Quebec.

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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Fallen Arches More Condition_symptoms

Psyquébélique interviewed in the copy

Saturday, November 14 at CEGEP Limoilou, was held the 2nd group show PQ Erotic. I unfortunately could not attend the show but I was interviewed in the newspaper of the University Laval (copy) edition of 18 November 2009. The subject is of course the soundtracks of films erotic Quebec.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Candidas Specialist Sydney

Psyquébélique quoted in La Presse

Psyquébélique was quoted in La Presse this Saturday, November 14, 2009. The title of the article (year zero) is a quote from my article December 14, 2008 .

The article by Jean-Christophe Laurence recounts the reissue CD of the album "The Montreal Scene" by Nick Ayoub. The instigator of this output, Charles Francois Cyr, was interviewed about his record label Ear Records This and what it represents for the album.

Psyquébélique strongly encourage you to buy this reissue. The Montreal Scene is a forgotten classic.

Monday, November 9, 2009

I Catcher Console Web Moniter

Love Human / François Cousineau 1970

This is a supplement to my article on the soundtracks erotic Francois Cousineau.

This is one of two 45t meager records from the soundtrack of "human love" (Denis Heroux 1970). The other is the trio's trip Dufresne / Plamondon / Cousineau: "A Flower on the Snow" (sung / intrumental). This is clearly the best of the two. I do not know why either of these items have been included on the LP "The most famous music Film from Quebec "by François Cousineau. Nothing spectacular, but" The machine to make love "and" the theme of Julian "is the least as good as the theme song of the generic human love (a flower snow). This theme (sung by Diane Dufresne) is the only movie to have solved the LP "The most famous music .... François Cousineau.

Note the name of the label: "Tutorial". Unrelated to the film except that "human love" and "initiation" have both been produced by the same production company (Cinépix) and by the same composer. In my Introduction is the ancestor of the Gap label records.

Returning to the music. Julien is a theme for orchestra component not reminiscent of the spaghetti Western soundtrack by Ennio Morricone. Guitar, violin, percussion military style. The orchestrations are by Yves Lapierre.

Although a bit vulgar in the text, "The machine to make love" is the most Pop of the two parts. The text speaks of a sort of mechanical doll. It was written in collaboration with Jean-Guy and Marcel Lefebvre Chapados. We hear guitar, bass, drums, cowbell, male chorus. A typical rock of the era. Idling and the reverberation towards the end adds a touch a little psyche.

The machine to make love

MP3 Download 45t

Friday, October 30, 2009

I Catcher Console Web Monitor

Haunted House / Boris

For Halloween, here's probably the first album "fear" in Quebec.

do not know who this is Boris, but the name is probably inspired by the actor who played the most famous in cinema Frankenstein (Boris Karloff). The illustrator of this beautiful wallet is not unfortunately not identified.

Unless you are easily impressionable, the disc is not very scary. He wanted even funny at times, particularly the end of the track "The torture of the gout." I'd say it's more of a hard strange sound effects than story of fear.

parts are usually quite short (longest is 3:06). The narrator's mania ééééééétirer the syllables for effect (or to lengthen the duration?). One thing is certain, clearly addressed to children. Boris uses phrases like: "It is very late at night and you just finish your lesson with your boyfriend ...".

The whole gives the impression of having been recorded hastily. Listen to the beginning of the play "Your little black cat" and there is a false start that has not even been cleared for the final recording.

My "story" is preferred that takes place in space: "The green Martians." Still funny! The green Martians

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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Lower Back Pain More Condition_symptoms

1970 The most famous film scores Quebec / François Cousineau 1972

is the third in a series of articles on film soundtracks erotic label Gap Records.

This CD differs in several ways from first and second the same label. First, the composer, this time, Francois Cousineau.

Second, it is a compilation of music from four different films made between 1970 and 1972 (all erotic and all produced by the studio Cinépix): Initiation, Human Love, 7 times a day, The devil is among us. Cousineau was not his first soundtrack when this compilation was released. By 1965 he had made the particular Soundtrack "The rope around his neck" . Third

this disc is, somehow, the first album of Diane Dufresne. In Indeed, depending on how you calculate, can be heard on 9 of the 11 songs on the disc. Moreover, these songs are not found mostly on some other later albums.

On "The most famous film music of Quebec" include (in addition to the couple Cousineau-Dufresne), the addition of Luc Plamondon to texts. This was the first manifestation of the trio songwriter / performer most famous in the history of Quebec music.

What is the result? Nothing very extraordinary finally, unless you really love the rides. But it was the first trial of the trio. Will really wait for the 2nd album Dufresne to see the sparks. Include the still very rhythmic, "Vant On my TV, I miss you."

I think the best parts of this album are clearly instrumental Cousineau. Almost all come from the now cult "The devil is among us." However, these pieces are a minority compared to those sung.

Depending if you look at the cover or label, identifying the parts can be confusing. On the cover, the pieces appear sub-divided and amalgamated on the label. Also say that several pieces are short and were probably subordinate (in length) to the scene to which they were made (hence the grouping into longer ranges on the label).

Take the first piece of the disc. The division of the pouch separates into 5 parts. The second part her (Theme of good), would be a single entity. And even in the division Sillion vinyl. Despite this, Psyquébélique says he has probably been mislabelled. In fact the play "The devil is among us", now includes probably only 3 parts (A, B, C). The other two (D, E) were to form the play "Theme of good." We must listen to understand.

Returning to the music. "Theme of the good" is THE song that made the disc. It is a composite type blaxploitation funk of the 70s with all that that implies. A long guitar & piano intro is followed by copper and drums. Truly one of the best components Quebec funk of all time.

Another piece worthy of mention: "The song Bi". As the name suggests, is a play in two parts. The first is sung in English and the second is instrumental. The second part is almost a piece in itself. An intro while percussion (conga drums), plus piano, bass and guitar are added. A slow but funky feel.

Notice also on the cover the multitude of changes have been added next to the prefix "bi". Surely the key Plamondon.

In conclusion, the disc offers little fresh instrumental music (especially for a compilation of soundtrack). Funny to say but for a disc of François Cousineau, I would have liked to be facing more space. What little we hear of its components is worth seeing and compensates for the rest of this disc, after all, quite ordinary. Only hope for a repeat of Francis Cousineau, another of our composers too long underestimated.

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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Darowy Hosting Z Forum

Psyquébélique circulated in New York # 3

Here is a third recorded show with my dear friend Peter Gunn (Blog Square Head ). During his last visit this summer (the Jazz Fest), Peter took the opportunity to record another show of "Clean & Humble " on Montreal and Quebec music. I had the pleasure of being his guest.

The program was broadcast Monday, July 13, 2009 from 20h-21h on Viva-Radio waves (Brooklyn / New York). The playlist is available in the comment section.

Listen to the show:

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Visit Clean & Humble

Friday, September 25, 2009

Prostate Infection More Condition_symptoms

Visit the music section at the BNQ

September 24 held its first official visit the music collection of the Library and Archives nationales du Quebec (Montreal). Although glass, this section of the 4th floor had remained locked since the opening of the great library in 2005. A bit like a cake under a glass dome, for many collectors, it became a torture to go in the 4th and see so many records without being able to touch.

After a presentation on the range of music content, the people of our music collection is the famous kindly unlocked doors.

We were told we could request a copy of any disc in their possession as long as it is no longer available on the market (which included a lot good disc). Good news for everyone! If you're not ready to spend what may cost a rare record or if you hesitate before buying a "chunk" you can make a copy. There is still time before obtaining a copy.

Some of the bloggers were there. As can be seen in the photo, your humble servant and my colleagues and Heritage PQ Garage Sale trying not to drool too much on the orgy of 45s before us.

A second visit is scheduled for November. Notice to person.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Gingivitis More Condition_symptoms

There's more hole in Percé / Paul Baillargeon 1971

"There's more holes to drill is part of the short list of film soundtracks erotic Quebecers have been published at the time. Having failed to produce good films, this mode (1969-75) have at least allowed to immortalize the great music.

Cinépix was the Montreal production company that produced the greatest films of the genre. Include, Valerie (1969), Human love (1970), Initiation (1970), Come, my love (1970) , Heads or Tails (1971), There are more of hole drilled (1971) The apple and the tail and seeds (1974).

Cinépix unfortunately released only three albums and two 45s. All were released on record label "Gap records" (A subsidiary music?).

The Soundtrack "There's more holes to drill," is a special case and is the second of this series of three discs.

The film dates from 1971 and its soundtrack was composed by the great Paul Baillargeon. Like "Come my love" (released the previous year and also made by Bailey), "There's more holes to drill" has an English version (wallet, part names ...) and that a 45t. The film was released in English as "Loving & Laughing." The theme song was sung by Patsy Gallant and its English version by Sharon Lee Williams. English & French pouches included a photograph of Gallant & Williams respectively. We have rarely seen producers give as much trouble adapting to the market they are trying to exploit.

Dean Morgan's name remains a mystery to me. The first two BO Gap Records, Dean Morgan is credited alongside Baillargeon on the covers.

But when you look at the label carefully central (from "Come, my love"), he is credited as the song sung (not instrumentals).

On "There's more holes to drill," his name is everywhere or that of Bailey is. Yet this man is listed on any site such composers Discogs . Otherwise, on IMDB, it is listed on three film projects (the 2 of Cinépix + 1 other). All were done with Paul Baillargeon. Does he believe that he would not be made alone ... Or without the help of Bailey? Is it simply a producer or maybe a nominee?

On the site "Waxing Deep" Baillargeon gives a short interview with Dan Zack about these two soundtracks for Cinépix. There is no mention of collaboration Dean Morgan. Conclusion? All this put together, Psyquébélique believes Bailey is most probably the only composer of the soundtrack of "Come, my love" and "There's more holes to drill."

Returning to the music. Perhaps less spectacular than the other soundtracks erotic, it is no less interesting. The style of the majority of the parts is what the English call the "Soft-Psych. Ie walking / folk but with a touch of electronics. The whole gives a flavor a bit strange. Take the instrumental version of the theme, the sound is very horror film from Jess Franco. An electronic keyboard is combined with a piano and it is added sound effects. The intention seems to be to create an atmosphere weird and disconcerting.

Another feature, this disc includes a rare piece group The heart of a generation .

"Your Love" is a piece like "Sunshine Pop" as the only group that seemed to have the formula in Quebec. Harmony vocals, tambourine, acoustic guitar, a variation of more sophisticated songwriters finally.

"We'll go together" by Patsy Gallant was the theme song. It was the 45s. It is a brassy pop and agreed, like Donald Lautrec. Part Bailey is credited to, Morgan but also Robert Gauthier. He had composed the theme song "Come, my love" called "Take Me" sung by Louise Lemire.

One thing that is regrettable is that some of the best pieces are very short. Some are included in an "assembly" from 9:36 called "O Perce. This assembly (mixing music & dialogue) is divided into four "sections" under the cover. Psyquébélique efforts is eight musical sections. Therefore difficult to correctly identify the parts you love. I would just call them by their number.

The first piece of "O Perce" for example, is similar to the play "Gaspé goodbye" on the B. These parts are in the style of spaghetti western soundtrack, but an electronic version. Unusual combination if ever there was one.

Another highlight, the fourth musical excerpt from "O Perce. This is a short electronic components (0:46) while melancholy. In the spirit of what Michel Robidoux and Peter F. Brault would be like music for the show "Passe-Partout" a few years later. The sound of Bailey he would have had an impact on this duet?

MP3 Download the album

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Lobster Causing Leg Pain

After Ski / Jacques Crevier Illustration 1971

Après Ski is the genesis of Funk Quebecers. Before 1971, there were a few 45s, but say it is the first album made by musicians Funk Quebecers. Still wonder what kind of famous first album was made for nothing less than an erotic film. Here is the story of a musical style born in vice.

Jacques Crevier is a character who over time gave rise to all sorts of speculation. We told him he was a French who worked only briefly in Quebec; that his name was the nickname of the group Chicago. The truth is probably less dramatic . The

only mystery to me is the name of Diana Huggan on the center of the disc label. This name does not match any musician, songwriter, singer known or listed. Probably a history of nominees from the producer to cash royalties. Finally. To my knowledge Crevier was a composer / arranger unknown who worked mostly in the shadows of several singers / waitresses Pop. Only include: Jacques Boulanger, Pauline Julien, Anne Renee, Holly Valance and Tony Romano.

****************************** THE NEW ******************************
My colleague Felix Garage Sale just made a discovery . It seems that all of Jacques Crevier was none other than the Montreal band Illustration .

NORMAN BURGESS-Baritone Saxophone
Roger Homefield

In an interview with Felix Garage Sale, the leader named John Ranger says he composed all the pieces except one, and minimizes the role of Jacques Crevier:

" Jacques Crevier did" nothing. He Is A Fake. He Took All the Credit, goal I Did All the writing. "
****************************** NEW ******************************

Probably collectors Quebecers can not believe that someone who have composed a disk as good as the soundtrack of the movie "After Ski" would have ended there. But that would be unfamiliar with the cultural history of Quebec. There are so many gifted artists (in comics, movies, literature ...) who, for whatever reason geo-cultural stop after 2-3 masterpieces. Even the most talented do not always have a long career here.

Both its rarity as for its quality, Après Ski fact many collectors salivate. The soundtrack of this film has become the Holy Grail of Quebecers Funk, Funk ambassador abroad. It is the origin of the genre but still unbeatable (after all these years), atop the short list of the best Funk album Quebecers. List would include (depending Psyquébélique) Jeremiah Lee Gagnon (1973), The second album from Ville Emard Blues Band (1975), the album brown Luc Cousineau (1976) and Ovila of Ovila Blais (1976).

Title After Ski course, stems from the term referring to the social side of this Nordic sport. A pub Pepsi pub dating from 1988 shows a little sense.

In fact, this film by Roger Cardinal was adapting the novel by Philip Blanchont published in 1966. In endo reads:

"A novel based on true stories of sexual freedom that takes place under the guise of sport in our Canadian resorts."

film to him when, following the vein and tells the stories "in love" with a few ski instructors including Mark (played by Donald Pilon). After frolicking with his students, Mark ends up falling in love with Terry Lopez (Celine Lomez). To be nice, I would describe the scenario of "light". Coincidence or not, twenty years later, a film strangely similar to the concept was released in the United States: Ski School (1991) .

In 1971 in Quebec, the film is in full sexual revolution since Valerie (1968). A wave of erotic film sometimes called "the Quebec undress," or "Maple Syrup Porn" rages. Around this core, orbits the most talented artists of the time (musicians, illustrators). But this method is far from unanimous.

several First Team member of Après Ski disowned the film after it is released in theaters (including Donald Pilon and screenwriter Peter Brousseau). Finding the film bad, they prétextèrent have participated for purely financial reasons. Then a pastor of St. Roch party anti-porn crusade against "After Ski" and "Batteries or Tails". The case turned into a mini scandal. Because of a petition addressed to the Ministry of Justice, the film reels were saisient Quebec. The Association of Directors manifested against this back to censorship. The position of Minister Choquette did not unanimity within the Liberal caucus of Robert Bourassa. The story was settled by the Prime Minister. He personally intervened in the matter following a meeting with members of the association of directors. The film

had nevertheless a great success, the priest's crusade Lavoie gave quite a boost advertising Après Ski. Like many erotic films here, it aroused curiosity in English Canada. He was doubled and distributed under different names abroad: Winter Games (CAN), Sex in the Snow (UK), Meta to ski (Greece) and Snowballin '(U.S.). Scenes "hard" had been added by the distributor in the U.S. version.

What's funny with hindsight, too, is the artist roster of "respectable" which is played in this erotic movie: Rene Angelil, Janine Sutto Francine Grimaldi and Raymond Lévesque (to mention only a few).

But back to music. Side 1 of the album contains mostly walks of pop star snorting the time. Mark Hamilton (As she is beautiful girls), Mariette Lévesque (Sleep with me), and a walk instrumental (The Lovers). Celine sings the theme Lomez (Apres Ski).

Oddly, a version of this theme was played by the then organist young (too young "legally speaking" to have seen the movie), Maurice Desjardins. With much less budget and instruments (drums, guitar and organ) he managed to make an adaptation frankly more rhythmic than the original. Not bad for a 12 year old boy! This version is available on the website of my colleague Garage Sale .

Now let's get serious, the music of Funk Side B. The name of John Crevier Ranger is almost not visible and registered only endo . It's still ironic in hindsight to see what the best age for this soundtrack is what almost hid at the time.

The Funk was originally used in action films African-American but became, over time, synonymous with porn music. After films like skiing has certainly contributed. Year of Release After Ski (1971) coincides with the beginning of the wave of Blaxploitation films in U.S. (1971 Shaft, Super Fly 1972 ... etc). The sound

parts Crevier Illustration is typical of the best soundtracks of the time. An orchestra led by the brass and percussion. A mixture of the soundtracks of late 60's secret agents (solemn brass), but with a touch of Funk 70's (brass more libidinous, addition of organ, guitar and bass wah). Somewhere between porn and crime series.

parts Crevier illustration called "The frantic race," "The sweet fox", "The great Mark", "burning eyes" are pure gems. "The frenzied race" is the last piece of the Face 1. Too Short (1:03), a kind of geuleton before the main course. It almost sounds of Afro-beat early.

The best play is clearly "The sweet fox" (though the intro and conclusion s'éternissent slightly). This piece was part of the compilation "Canadian Racer" (2002) but was misidentified. The combination of heavy wind instruments (baritone sax) and acute (trumpet) energize the horn section.

The play "The great Mark" is a catchy funk and circular. The omnipresence of the organ apart from other rooms. "Soul of Fire" is a play strictly jazz. The muted trumpet is in the spotlight, but is supported by a heavy brass section which gives it a certain prestige. "The burning eyes" entered the album beautifully. Similar to the play "The sweet fox" but more down-tempo.

Notice to interested parties in 2007 Equinox distributor Films has reissued the film on DVD (and changed the cover of white snow after skiing in turquoise ?!?).

Furthermore, very recently (in 2009), a group called Erotic PQ formed. They have aimed to pay tribute to film soundtracks erotic Quebecers. On stage, he reinterpreted a selection of the best parts. They have a Myspace page and an extract from the spectacle Off Summer Festival of Quebec ( available on Youtube), it can mean "burning eyes" taken from Apres Ski.

Finally this soundtrack is a masterpiece of musical forgotten. Like any other hard Funk Quebecers Après Ski is still not reissued on CD. The few remaining copies of this disc, are likely mostly abroad. The sad part about this is that a whole generation of musicians Quebecers are unaware of its existence and draw their inspiration from American artists, or French. When you know how this soundtrack is wanted in the United States and France is even more ironic. There is never a prophet in his own country!

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