Friday, November 27, 2009

Kyphosis More Condition_symptoms

Initiation / François Cousineau 1970

Initiation is the first soundtrack Quebec erotic movie to be released on disc. The film "Valerie" is of course out before (1969) but unfortunately the soundtrack by Michel Paje & Joe Gracy was never made available by the studio Cinépix (except for a 45t).

In 1970, the shooting Cinépix corrected with the release of initiation. The studio even founded a record label bearing the name of the movie. This label is brief, to the contrary is proved, the ancestor of Gap Records. Why is this important? Cinépix was because the studio that produces virtually all the erotic films in Quebec and "Initiation Records" and "Gap Records" are the musical branches. The music of these films deserve to be finally recognized as innovative and important history in Quebec music.

In terms of quantity, there are even fewer records released under that label Initiation in Gap. To my knowledge there have been only LP (initiation) and four 45s (two from this film and two human Love).

My theory about the short life of Initiation Records is as am; Probably Cinépix (after the success of the film's introduction) have founded the label Introduction to Records as a test in the music industry. The case has been profitable for them and they have recurred with two pieces from their other film human Love (released some months later). Very quickly (the same year), they had to say that if they were to continue to edit their soundtracks, and it would make more sense to find a more neutral label name. Initiation would then become Gap Records. But this is only a theory.

Francois Cousineau composed many soundtracks in this period (including the NFB), but the initiative was only the second to be published. He began his recording career by working for "Jazz arrangements" of his brother John on the soundtrack of Cain (1965). Then went into jazz by composing the soundtrack of "The rope around his neck " (1965) for the same director (Pierre Patry). After a series of soundtracks for the NFB, initiation appeared on disc in 1970.

can hear Diane Dufresne for the first time on CD. She interprets the theme "One day he comes my love" and "Poor love." It was not the only interpreter cons. There are also two songs by Patsy Gallant (Psyquédélique Party, Mom did not tell me) and one of the obscure duo Nicole & Scott Bernard (A boat).

"A boat" & "Mamma did not tell me" were the subject of a 45t on the label initiation. Ditto for the theme of Diane Dufresne.

"One day he comes my love" may seem in 4 different versions. The best being the shortest and more rhythmic (at the very end of the album). There are also three other versions of the song Diane Dufresne "Poor love."

"No, do not say no" and the instrumental version No.1 "Poor Love" are not composed orchestral reminiscent Ennio Morricone. The use of glockenspiel, harpsichord, brass and string sounds give the rooms as statutory and mysterious. If we had to section arrangements, they are the works of Leon Bernier (arranger for Ginette Reno) and Roger Gravel .

For cons, the name is most striking in this section is that of training "Francois Cousineau & Quasars. I've never seen that name anywhere else. They are responsible (among others) the two most rhythmic instumental parts of the album: "The theme of Gilles" and "Poor Love" instrumental version 2. "The theme of Gilles" is a play Pop typical of his era. Electric guitars and dry, keyboard, drums. Jazz version of "Poor Love" is not bad either, though somewhat short and sounding a bit behind the times.

Exhibit "Psychedelic Party" is considered by many as the best of the album. She was also included on the compilation in 2002 on Canadian Racer Follow Me Records label. 45s version was also released last year.

Personally I find the reputation of "Psychedelic Party" overrated. It seems that the recording was done in one take, or that the wrong coil between the final release and repeat. One thing is sure, you can clearly hear Patsy Gallant answer is sound technician for more than one recovery (0:42, 00:50, 2:07). In addition you can feel a cut (1:01) in the master. Still emphasize the force of the drummer and keyboardist (both unidentified).

Another disappointment (if it became the title) is named the piece: The city "underground". Nothing particularly experimental. It's actually a ride with choir but no percussion. Enough sleep if you do not particularly like the chorus.

If we include "No, do not tell me no," "The City" Underground "," various versions of "One day ..." and "Poor Love" on behalf walks up to 8 out of 13. Even if well orchestrated, it makes a lot. Too well. Overall the soundtrack of Initiation is wise enough to film "daring". Even if it was not the soundtrack to the most avant-garde, initiation would still give legitimacy to a first sub-genre of erotic film music in Quebec.

MP3 Download full album

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Fallen Arches More Condition_symptoms

Psyquébélique interviewed in the copy

Saturday, November 14 at CEGEP Limoilou, was held the 2nd group show PQ Erotic. I unfortunately could not attend the show but I was interviewed in the newspaper of the University Laval (copy) edition of 18 November 2009. The subject is of course the soundtracks of films erotic Quebec.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Candidas Specialist Sydney

Psyquébélique quoted in La Presse

Psyquébélique was quoted in La Presse this Saturday, November 14, 2009. The title of the article (year zero) is a quote from my article December 14, 2008 .

The article by Jean-Christophe Laurence recounts the reissue CD of the album "The Montreal Scene" by Nick Ayoub. The instigator of this output, Charles Francois Cyr, was interviewed about his record label Ear Records This and what it represents for the album.

Psyquébélique strongly encourage you to buy this reissue. The Montreal Scene is a forgotten classic.

Monday, November 9, 2009

I Catcher Console Web Moniter

Love Human / François Cousineau 1970

This is a supplement to my article on the soundtracks erotic Francois Cousineau.

This is one of two 45t meager records from the soundtrack of "human love" (Denis Heroux 1970). The other is the trio's trip Dufresne / Plamondon / Cousineau: "A Flower on the Snow" (sung / intrumental). This is clearly the best of the two. I do not know why either of these items have been included on the LP "The most famous music Film from Quebec "by François Cousineau. Nothing spectacular, but" The machine to make love "and" the theme of Julian "is the least as good as the theme song of the generic human love (a flower snow). This theme (sung by Diane Dufresne) is the only movie to have solved the LP "The most famous music .... François Cousineau.

Note the name of the label: "Tutorial". Unrelated to the film except that "human love" and "initiation" have both been produced by the same production company (Cinépix) and by the same composer. In my Introduction is the ancestor of the Gap label records.

Returning to the music. Julien is a theme for orchestra component not reminiscent of the spaghetti Western soundtrack by Ennio Morricone. Guitar, violin, percussion military style. The orchestrations are by Yves Lapierre.

Although a bit vulgar in the text, "The machine to make love" is the most Pop of the two parts. The text speaks of a sort of mechanical doll. It was written in collaboration with Jean-Guy and Marcel Lefebvre Chapados. We hear guitar, bass, drums, cowbell, male chorus. A typical rock of the era. Idling and the reverberation towards the end adds a touch a little psyche.

The machine to make love

MP3 Download 45t