Sunday, January 31, 2010

Twister Dune Buggy Parts

PSYQUÉBÉLIQUE PRESENTS: Valerie / Michel Paje Joe Gracy 1969

To conclude my series on soundtracks erotic Quebec, here's one that started the ball rolling. The first: Valerie.

The disc was never released at the time, but Psyquébélique is proud to present 40 years after its release, an unofficial version of this classic musical. Let's start this edition is a humble team. Made from the DVD, the patient's wound is the work of His My friend Otis Fodder . The beautiful cover is by my colleague from S.ébastien Heritage PQ. Looking and Writing: Psyquébélique.
Otis isolated eleven pieces in all. Having had access only to DVD, these songs necessarily include a number of sound effects in the film. Despite this, we have done everything for this edition are false as true as possible.

Valerie is the first feature film erotic Quebec. In 1969, Denis Heroux was his 4th film. After starting his career with movies nerd (alone or with others (1962), Without a Paddle (1964)), it was disappointed that little attention generated by the films. This non-appointment with the public was in part due to the stranglehold of foreign distributors in our territory, but perhaps also because a certain snobbery filmmakers of the time in a cinema more popular. Heroux decided to change course from his 3rd film. No vacation for idols (1965) was a bit of a "Hard Day's Night Beatles but with our stars yéyé Quebec.

In an interview with Maclean's Magazine in January 1969, he spoke of the film was to follow: Valerie. He claimed the right to make a more commercial film, "The filmmakers here think the message that most medium and their message is lost" he asserted.

is also in this section was born the phrase "the Déshabillont Quebec. The term would now describe this movement erotic film comforts of home. Note by cons, that the original words used were "Undressing the little neighbor." The phrase was a quote from his colleague Denis Arcand:

" ... Our film is an adult when they dare to undress the little neighbor ... "

By this he referred the fight against censorship. In 1969, several countries had already made films containing nudity. It was the era of time. There was eroticism on screens in Quebec but he always came from elsewhere. With Valerie, all that would change.

In a telephone interview he granted me kindly, Mr. Heroux minimizes its pioneering gesture. He said if it was not him, it would have been another. He added that what the movie is mostly helped to have had the personal blessing of Andre Guerin (Chairman of the board of cinema). He also speaks the successful career that had Valerie (Cane sold in forty countries ...).

The story may seem straight out of a novel by train but is more complex than it seems at first sight. Valerie is an orphan who escapes from her convent ... with a biker. Arriving in Montreal, she is tempted by the life of urban consumption. Not speaking English, she decided to become a dancer and prostitute. She ends up at the store with a widower artistic bent. The film was intended as a bit of a metaphor of Quebec in 1969. Changing mores of the dark ages to those of the quiet revolution.

Returning to the music. The contract for the soundtrack came so unusual. For the stage or Valerie accepts its first client, Heroux Danielle Ouimet asked to suggest a man with whom she would be comfortable to shoot this scene delicate. She named Michel Paje (boyfriend then) while adding that it could also be the soundtrack. Indeed, Michel Paje was a songwriter / performer establishes French in Quebec for two years at the time. Both had two 45s recording music together in Montreal. Denis Heroux agreed to take him as an actor and composer. After shooting Michel Paje, returned to France recording the soundtrack with his partner Joe Gracy. The arranger which they called was the famous Jean-Claude Pelletier.

Of all the excellent parts that Michel Paje and Joe Gracy have compounds Cinépix had seen fit to publish a 45t including two themes sung by Danielle Ouimet.

Remarkably, for the song "I want to live," said Denis Heroux have spoken much about the text with Michel Paje. Even he would have requested that the words "I want to be free "is included in the theme, referring to Quebec's independence. Note that this same piece, the intro is an excerpt from the first song in the soundtrack. For cons, the recording seems to have been cut or at least begin abruptly.
This is the very first step of Cinépix in the music industry. Prior to the initiation Records label and Gap Records Cinépix had first dealt with the label Stars (a subsidiary of Trans-Canada).

Regarding other products, it is still surprising to learn Yves Theriault was commissioned to do a written version of Valerie.

us mention that the beautiful artwork of Jacques Delisle was used for the cover of the book as well.

Another oddity, the label Polydor released in Japan a sweetened version of the theme "Valerie and love." The A side of this is instrumental 45s and B is sung a cappella. No date was found listed. The play is credited to Joe Gracy (which can be seen at the rear). All notes are in Japanese except the word "Cigliano" on the front of the pocket and side B. This is probably the person who had lent his voice to the a cappella version.

Michel Paje recently took the trouble to answer some of my questions about his work on Valerie. He said just ignore the Japanese version. He also returned his debut with Joe Gracy, his years in Montreal and his problems when recording.

Psyquébélique like to pay tribute to the soundtrack of Michel Paje and Joe Gracy. A professional edition Valerie is sorely lacking in appeal for 40 years. In the absence of the original, here's a version for fans only "from the soundtrack. No documents were not wearing name then you forgive those I improvised.

The film contains many beautiful walks, but the pieces are more rhythmic, in my opinion, the most memorable. Take the example of opening: Valerie rebels. Arrangements of the combo piano / drums are simply mesmerizing. Not to mention the slow notes of brass instruments and vocal harmonies that add a great side.

parts "On the Road" and "The Go-Go Dancer" are not too far behind. "On the Road" is a simple but effective piece. A choir accompanied by drums and horns and strings.

"The Go-Go Dancer" seems to be divided into two if not three parts (at least if we had the mix of film). A trio of fast guitar, organ and drums start the right way Go-Go / Yeye. Then the tempo slowed, a chorus is added and it suddenly becomes more funky. Eventually the pace slowed further to look like a blues.

Exhibit "A new dress" is an instrumental version of the theme "I want to live." We are really able to appreciate the complexity structure. Tambourine drums, choir, guitar and violin & piano final. Also include short interludes: "Café Kaleidoscope" and "You dance?" The first is a simple hippie embellishment soixantuitard (to paraphrase Michel Paje), the second is an R & B After

Valerie, Michael Page remained in France and has redirected his career towards music advertising. He works now as the Michel Roy and specializes in dubbing and narration. Joe Gracy to him that his continued work as a composer for other artists. He has composed "The bird and the child" for Marie Myriam, who won the Eurovision Song Contest in 1977. He retired from the entertainment world in recent years. Psyquébélique encourage you to visit the site Michel Paje to learn more about the rest of his career.

Download the unofficial soundtrack of Valerie
Download the original 45s
Download the 45s Japanese