Thursday, September 30, 2010

Fishsticks-south Park

separation ... Small

Snif, there it is today I have resigned myself to abandon my dear, after several extensions because frankly it was hard to leave after Only three days spent together knowing that for 1 month I never see her again. Result at the weekend was a little longer for our greatest happiness ^ ^ But this morning, the separation was painful, and it made the tears ... Sniff, now we have to wait one month before we'll see you again ...

You'll terribly miss my little heart ...

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Brazilian Wax Madison Wi

romantic weekend ^ ^

Tomorrow afternoon, the station management to spend an enjoyable weekend with my baby Love I love more than anything ^ ^

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

High Times Blunt Wraps

Psyquébélique LIVE Band of Outsiders

September 23, 2010 from 17h to 18h, I had the honor DJ to be invited to the show on the air Ecstatic Bande à part. My set was aired on the site BANDEAPART.FM or on Sirius 87 (for those who had satellite radio). A replay took place the night of Friday to Saturday between 2-3am on Espace musique.

The playlist is in the comments section.

Listen to the show:

MP3 Download the show

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Wedding Thank You Message

Little Film Lovers ^ ^ ^ ^

pretext that my publication Facebook at the start of my love was more beautiful than his, and the next night I sent him a small MMS to tell him that having seen my sister marry me understand how I like it, well to answer me, she did something good geek, make a little video that you can go here: Blog-post.html # comments

I Love You So Mutch My Lov e

Monday, September 13, 2010

Brazilian Wax Befroe And After

Wedding Accomplished

's it, my sister's marriage has occurred, with a ceremony at the town hall and church rich in emotion ^ ^ The evening is wonderful place, I am sure they retain full of beautiful memories of that day ^ ^ I hope that the day I marry my geek, you will be entitled to one day be as wonderful: D

I love you all my love ^ ^ full

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Overactive Bladder More Condition_symptoms

This weekend wedding ^ ^ It makes

This weekend we will be missing, not because of maintenance, but to celebrate the wedding of my sister, on this occasion, I would welcome darling in Alsace-morrow and until aprèm Monday afternnon ^ ^

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Fishsticks, Southpark

buzzz! : D

Today we decided to make it big, a couple of geek liable for your pleasure on Android for Dummies by a quick post from Facebook! : D

I love you all my love ^ ^ full

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Heartdisease More Condition_symptoms

In Love from You too

Although I say unfortunately a bit too, know that deep down in my little heart there is only one prevailing sentiment: MY BIGGEST AND DEEP AMOUR POUR TOI, même si malheureusement ça peut être un peu saoulant à entendre encore et encore ...

Monday, September 6, 2010

Fotos De Jessica Simpson

In Love from Wonderful You

Même si je ne te le dis malheureusement pas assez, sache qu'au fond de mon petit coeur il n'y a qu'un seul sentiment qui règne : MON PLUS GRAND ET PROFOND AMOUR POUR TOI, même si malheureusement j'ai extrêmement de mal à l'exprimer ...

Common Knee Injuries More Condition_symptoms

Psyquébélique circulated in New York # 4

Now the 4th radio show "Clean & Humble" which I had the privilege of being invited. One of the facilitators is my dear friend Peter Gunn (author of the blog Head Carée ). The topics were not so much music this time either. Peter and I were talking mainly of Montreal in general. All for the benefit of its largely American audience.

The recording took place Friday, August 20, 2010 during his visit to Montreal. The show was broadcast Monday, August 23 from 20h to 21h on the airwaves of Radio Viva, located in Brooklyn, New York.

You can access the site & Archives Clean & Humble here. The playlist is in the section comments.

Listen to the show:

MP3 Download the show

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Lupis More Condition_symptoms

Holidays ^ ^

Snif, ça y est les 2 semaines et demi de vacances auprès de ma chère et tendre sont beautiful and well finished. Now she's back in school desks, as for me I still have a few months prior to Recapture the direction ... Snif, we will unfortunately not be more than 2 times, during and after 3 long months we will be far separated from each other, but it does not matter, because our love is stronger than the distance! !

I love you my love ♥