Wednesday, January 31, 2007

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habits ...

Il y a des bonnes et mauvaises habitudes...Quant they start they are too weak to be felt until they are too strong to be broken ... by Dapierre inspiration from a book ...

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Unification ...

We are all interconnected and it is logical to assume that the welfare of others is essntiel to the success of our own lives ... Dapierre inspired by a book ...

Sunday, January 28, 2007

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The Little Me and my Grand ... The OMT

We must talk about themselves neither good nor bad, because it's vanity to praise oneself and stupidity to blame ... I know that words are often barriers, but the expression that be closest to what I would like to feel is universe, UNI-VERS ... It's more than just wordplay, it is a meaning, direction, action, a state that not only m'englobe but is encompassed by me, grain of sand in the super galactic cluster ... by Dapierre, inspiration of a book ...

Sunday, January 21, 2007

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could compare the OMT, a black hole, your body turns out these Celestre a density so high they absorb all energies approaching ... by Dapierre, inspired by a book ...

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Small thoughts of love ...

The supreme reward of labor is not what it saves you $ $ $, but what you can become ... The hand that gives the rose its scent keeps forever ... Your destiny is the result of your thoughts and your actions, since you're the only thinker in your utopian world, all you do is for you than you think ... Always look towards the sun and you'll never see the shadow side of you or behind you ... We do folds his hands as if they're empty ... The most wonderful discovery of a life is that of yourself ... And the most beautiful journey of the traveler is the one the depths of his heart ... Prayer is like fire that lifts the balloon, it does go to ... The sky would be a conduit through which divine energies have the possibilities to materialize ... Like the oak in the acorn, something infinitely large dormant in every being ... Create Dapierre and also by inspired by books ...

Electric Pecan Shellers

first law of life force ...

The energy of creation, created man from dust of the earth and breathed into his nostrils the breath of his life, and man became a living soul ... Dapierre, with inspiration from my life. ..

Friday, January 19, 2007

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Life ... initiatory experience ...

At birth, the insider is committed to the path of consciousness., This way, a one-way street where all must be that they engage in it is conscious or not ... For those who are more aware, evolution is faster and they generally suffer less-... Because they offer less resistance to the so ... Knowing that they have come through a physical space, they do not resist ... They learn about themselves and other lessons of life ... The suffering, that means time to learn, they become less necessary and less and less necessary ... But we're all on this path ... For those who are less aware, evolution is generally slower and more painful ... With its ups and downs shortcuts and detours: they are blind as a beginner, when they bump, bump only when they change their directions ... There is nothing outside the path of evolution of consciousness of life ... Everything contributes to the cosmic consciousness, we say yes or say no it does not change anything ... She was, is and will be ... Life is therefore Initiative, a well ... You are the master and you are a student ---- that the initiative continues ... Created by Dapierre ...

Friday, January 12, 2007

Whitehall Row Boat For Sale

Swinging life ...

Goodnight or good morning to you who read these posts .... Today I had the pleasure of talking with Peter, a friend ... We placotté with a good balance and good fruit tisanne ... After many words of all kinds, we have arrived at this little word, rocking, since equilibrium arises in the swing of everyday life .... The man is swinging his mind with the utmost care .... example, choose this or this, go there or elsewhere, be patient or mad .... A spirit may unbalanced swing from one extreme to another ... Here, the duality works at its full ... To return to a tighter swing, he must recapture ... Meditation is used to shrink it comes and goes ... All of you have already experienced this kind of thing and this phenomenon has led you to a loss or other ... Do not take this message lightly ... because this message comes from the heart, experience of my life for me, Daniel, 46.
I can guide you in this moment, a dark moment of your lives in a tiny luminositée ... When you feel unhappy, sad, discouraged, you feel nothing can interest you on this earth is where the swing of your being is to overhaul ... Drink some water, you sit with your back straight in a chair, his legs at an angle of 90 degrees, the feet are parallel, separated the same width as your shoulders, your hands on your knees, breathe, and not move for 15 to 20 minutes ... nothing ..... nothing move This relaxation narrowed the swing of your mind ... With a smaller sway your mind, the solutions you need for simple or complicated problems of life appear .... try it at least three days, morning and evening ... and give me your news ... please do not look at the faults created by Dapierre ... ...