Friday, January 12, 2007

Whitehall Row Boat For Sale

Swinging life ...

Goodnight or good morning to you who read these posts .... Today I had the pleasure of talking with Peter, a friend ... We placotté with a good balance and good fruit tisanne ... After many words of all kinds, we have arrived at this little word, rocking, since equilibrium arises in the swing of everyday life .... The man is swinging his mind with the utmost care .... example, choose this or this, go there or elsewhere, be patient or mad .... A spirit may unbalanced swing from one extreme to another ... Here, the duality works at its full ... To return to a tighter swing, he must recapture ... Meditation is used to shrink it comes and goes ... All of you have already experienced this kind of thing and this phenomenon has led you to a loss or other ... Do not take this message lightly ... because this message comes from the heart, experience of my life for me, Daniel, 46.
I can guide you in this moment, a dark moment of your lives in a tiny luminositée ... When you feel unhappy, sad, discouraged, you feel nothing can interest you on this earth is where the swing of your being is to overhaul ... Drink some water, you sit with your back straight in a chair, his legs at an angle of 90 degrees, the feet are parallel, separated the same width as your shoulders, your hands on your knees, breathe, and not move for 15 to 20 minutes ... nothing ..... nothing move This relaxation narrowed the swing of your mind ... With a smaller sway your mind, the solutions you need for simple or complicated problems of life appear .... try it at least three days, morning and evening ... and give me your news ... please do not look at the faults created by Dapierre ... ...


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