Friday, July 3, 2009

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Latte / Yvan Landry Quartet 1969

Yvan Landry is considered the first professional vibraphonist Canada / Quebec. He would have started in Jazz from the 50s. Unfortunately, the only record that remains of him, of the 60 dates.

During his long career, he collaborated with musicians such as Claude Léveillé, Andre Gagnon, Bix Belair and Buck Lacombe ... But first, he was leader of various jazz bands, most quartets.

From 1961-68 he composed soundtracks for the seven National Film Board (including "See Miami" by Gilles Groulx, 1963). In 1971 he represented Canada at the Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland.

According to the book by John Gilmore, Landry would have recorded with her Quartet in 1962, 1964, 1966 and 1967. In my eyes, I saw that the following records:

-live from the show "Jazz release" of 1964 (Transcript 1964)
-an album named "Freedom Jazz / Jazz Break Out" (Capitol 1968)
- "Cafe au lait" (Capitol 1969) I do not know if

Gilmore erred in the dates or if the records differ from year to release records, but at first sight, the dates do not coincide. Unless by "records, it only refers to the NFB Soundtrack? But even then it fails dates.

In addition (again according to Gilmore's book), Landry have registered septet (1967) and octet (1972). I do not know where those records, but neither I nor the National Library have them in anyway.

Remarkably, if we did what is written on the covers, even his two "real" album (on Capitol), was recorded live and as part of the program "Freedom Jazz" Radio Canada.

But back to "Latte". I can not discuss this album without a word on the back of the pouch. A look at the picture and you realize that 1969 was indeed another era. This image is most likely be considered sexist today (two women at the foot of a man). You do not see now what kind of installation on the albums of "Gangsta Rap" or else the opposite on the album of a singer (men at the foot of a woman, eg Madonna).

On "Café au lait," Landry played his own compositions. What is immediately striking is that there is no copper on the album. The quartet is composed of a battery, a cons-bass, piano and vibraphone (no musician is identified). The sound is very lounge. His detractors say that the Jazz is "wise." But the vibes are rarely the kind of instrument which type of foot. It is played mostly down-tempo, and combined with music made for drinking martinis. A slow but its sophisticated.

course there were some who played vibraphone with four sticks (2 per hand therefore faster), but Lee was not that school. The more accelerated than Landry played on "Latte" is a piece like "Chocolate Eclair". But the pace is at least as much on the drums and piano.

Other interesting piece, "Sunday in Rio." With a title like that, we can expect of Bossa Nova. Indeed, it is one. It seems that at the time Bossa (and even South American music in general) began to leave traces in the West. Just Jazz in Quebec include the example of Nick Ayoub, who had made a full album of Bossa Nova in 1962.

The title track from the album (coffee with milk), is the longest (5:55). The circular theme is catchy.

Otherwise the album is listened to Z without offending or attract attention. Light and pleasant. The music was what.

Chocolate Eclair

MP3 Album Download


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