Sunday, June 6, 2010

How Does External Drive Towel Work?

Not one to catch the other

A small reply to the previous note, talking about something that tends to annoy me somewhat: the generalist arise in large misunderstood victims of hospital medicine ("you love us, we denigrate"), and are EXACTLY the same as the other side ("the hospital are all idiots who do not understand "). It fills me especially since many of our university teachers in general practice are of this barrel there, which does not seem very rosy for our industry.

On a more sympathetic, an update of links to the right, in particular for medical links: go read it without hesitation Boreas (general medicine), Ten Moons (midwife), Spykologue (child psychologist), Stockholm (House surgeon). I add the same two links to blogs vets, just to see that the owners of the animals in their care are well worth our patients: Tell me Doc and Fur.

Edit: ... and unpardonable forgetfulness, I forgot to add William (H Texnh Makph) in the general medicine category too. Bon ben you are done.


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