Saturday, October 2, 2010

How To Get A Gun On Poptropica

The return of the geek ... Sad

Monday it will be a great day for me, I'll start my new training ADS-time Assistant or Security if you prefer. Unfortunately for my baby and me this training will be held in Montbéliard, when we had spotted a school in Reims: '(It's gonna be very long 3 months without my better half ... I'll have to beat me, because frankly it's going be hard for me ... But I know my baby will do everything possible to motivate myself when I have the moral socks, and that I need a source of motivation to not give up .. . Thank you my love for always being there for me and support me in this terrible ordeal that awaits me: S

I love you to Love my folly, and + yet! ^ ^


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