Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Endometriosis More Condition_symptoms

On February 7, 2011-Talha was born Umut (Turkish "our hope"), the first "designer baby" French, led by Professor Rene Frydman and his team. Umut-Granary has two seniors, both with beta-thalassemia, an inherited genetic transmission. He was born following in vitro fertilization with preimplantation diagnosis: the embryo was not carrying the disease. But it was more compatible with his sister. Stem cells from umbilical cord had been removed at birth, and may help to treat her sister. It

Medical undeniable prowess.
It gave real hope to a grieving family by the illness of her first two children did not directly affect the integrity of this little boy.
is also a source of ethical issues: the medical team knew the 50% chance of compatibility between Umut-Talha and his big sister. The parents chose the implantation of two embryos, one compatible and one not. This type of birth can be used with a goal of care in addition to waiting for a new child.

At the same time are in the National Assembly revised the laws on bioethics of 2004 (see here )

Interview on Prof. René Frydman

Edit of 11/02/2011: I modify the explanatory text following the Seer very fair comment, because I do not relate the exact words of Professor Frydman whose interview is here.


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