Sunday, March 21, 2010

Hair Loss Women More Condition_symptoms

1966 (1de2)

It was called simply Stephanie. She was awfully good company for a leading lady. To my knowledge, the only album it is. It was released in 1966 on Capitol in the 70 series 000. Curiously, it seems to be listed no work in Quebec.

arrangements of Paul de Margerie make this record what it is: the excellent orchestrated pop. The album could be one of those records stripped of song as was fashionable at the time (a poet, his guitar and a stool). But instead, we are treated to a rich, worthy of the big studio productions.

1966 was truly a different era, one could still hear artists with a true "orchestra". Unfortunately some players are identified on the cover.

The album consists almost entirely of covers. Strangely Side A, all parts are by Quebec artists (Ferland, Gauthier, Vigneault ...). B-side, that of French artists (Ferrat, Vian Férré ...).

purely musical viewpoint, the highlight is unquestionably the cover of "Before the Jazz" by Michel Legrand. The original version (+ or-1964) was very "African drums". Paul de Margerie has made it a Brazilian battuccada much more dynamic and lively. You be the judge:

I say that the album is "almost" that only consists of covers because the album still contains two original compositions. Parts of "The nail" and "Song-fetched" had been composed expressly for the duo Stephanie songwriter Claude Gagnon and Pierre Bourdon.

Both men, in addition to having their assets each a solo album, included behind the musical "Despair galore" presented at the theater the same year The Patriot. The mise-en-scene was the work of the now famous André Brassard.

Interestingly, the orchestra accompanies the show was none other than The Mersey's.

I believe, unfortunately there is no record of this musical.

Back to Stephanie. The play "The nail" is a superb ride samba. Violin, and vibraphone clave provides sophisticated sound that has rarely been heard in Quebec.

On "Song-fetched" found accents pop music in the chorus (guitar, drums and copper). The text refers to the funny bit that Stephanie brings to the front.

Psyquébélique would like to thank the lyricist Claude Gagnon for photos. I encourage you to visit his site where you can buy his book Song of the deaf fountain / 1983 . Inside you will find songs of Stephanie, those of "Despair galore" and many more.

a final note, the recovery of Leny Escudero "Out of five times." Jazz a good rhythm that will make you tap your foot.

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