Sunday, January 23, 2011

Frustration The Rules

reissued Après Ski ... Psyquébélique

For those who do not know, plutons Records (label of my colleagues and Felix B Desfosses Melody Rheault blog Garage Sale ) have republished the frame sound the most sought after in the history of Quebec: AFTER SKI.

The official launch took place Friday, January 28 in Quebec City Saturday, January 29 in Montreal.

I had the honor of being a DJ at the launch on Saturday 29 Jan Montrealers at Divan Orange 21h. I shared the decks with my colleague and friend Michel Alario focus group " bet your .

But the highlight of the evening was undoubtedly the performance of the group "Erotic PQ. The group with the best parts of erotic soundtracks Quebec.


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