Friday, January 14, 2011

Hodgkin Lymphoma More Condition_symptoms

Make love not TR!

On the brainchild of our esteemed colleague Jaddo .

are here present the female GPs experienced on twitter: @
AliceRedsparrow ( his blog )
@ @ @ Jaddo_fr
@ DrCouine

and guest-star on Dr_Stephane @ (this is a man, but nobody's perfect)

This is a reply to Dr Michel Cymes and his campaign in favor of routine screening for prostate cancer (and his blog Details of the campaign is over here ).
The problem with this campaign is that it rests on no scientific argument.
THE CONTRARY, as evidenced by these references:
- a 2010 article in the British Medical Journal (BMJ that we hold in our hands)
- the recommendations of the HAS for this screening

The findings These references are, themselves, long argued, is that routine screening does not reduce mortality from prostate cancer . Cons by surgical treatment (removal of prostate) after the screening made them at risk of impotence and urinary incontinence, hence our slogan.

To understand why this screening is a bad idea , you will find more detailed information on the site Trump Dr. Dominique Dupagne. He lays out very clearly the problem data.


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